Monday, November 26, 2007

Someone on the lists was looking for a pattern for a canoe. I have done a boat but it is more of a gondola. There is a story behind this picture.

This is what happens when you are reciting poetry while trying to choose thread within hearing distance of Lily Morales (

It started with a guild retreat. We were at a conference center in the mountains. Lily made everyone a backpack type bag as part of the goody bag giveaway for the occasion (she was nuts!). Anyway, those attending were challenged with decorating it by the next event. (About a year away) My original idea was an owl in a tree branch, in keeping with the theme. But as I was musing on a suitable thread for the owl I starting saying poetry - it's a habit I picked up from my Grandmother.

So, here I'm muttering "the owl and the pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat." Lily heard me and said "Oh! Oh! I have the perfect green for that!" And, well, the rest is history.

What you see here is not mounted on that backpack. I took it off and put it on a black backing so I could enter it in the Orange County Fair. It won first place that year. (2004 if I remember correctly). After that, I had it framed and gave it to my mother (with the blue ribbon) for Christmas since she collects owls.

Now for the credits:

The Boat, Moon and Water are my own design.
The Owl and the Pussycat belong to Jane Eborall and the patterns can be found on her web page.